Alphabetical list Categories
pen Selects a new pen for QPlot
Call signature:

pen(color=None, width=None, join=None, cap=None, pattern=None, alpha=None, id=None)

Help text:

All arguments are optional.
  color may be a single character matlab color, or a 3- or 6-digit rgb
  specification or an [r, g, b] triplet, or 'none'.
  width is linewidth in points, or 0 for hairline.
  join must be one of: 'miter', 'bevel', 'round'.
  cap must be one of: 'flat', 'square', 'round'.
  pattern must be one of: 'solid', 'dash', 'dot', 'none'.
  pattern may also be a tuple ('dash', vec) where vec is a vector of
    stroke and space lengths, or it may be a tuple ('dot', vec) where
    vec is a vector of space lengths.
  alpha specifies transparency between 0 and 1.
  id must be a single capital letter


import pyqplot as qp

import numpy as np

qp.figure('pen', 3, 3)

qp.pen('r', 2, id='A')

qp.plot([0, 1],[0, 0])

qp.pen('b', pattern=('dash', [10, 6, 1, 6]))

qp.plot([0, 1],[1, 1])

qp.pen('930', pattern=('dot', 6))

qp.plot([0, 1], [2, 2])

qp.pen([1, 0, 1], pattern='solid')

qp.plot([0, 1], [3, 3])

qp.pen('k', 10, join='miter', cap='round')

qp.plot([.3, .5, .7],[.2, .8, .2])

qp.pen('k', 10, join='round', cap='square')

qp.plot([.3, .5, .7], np.array([.2, .8, .2])+1)

qp.pen('k', join='bevel', cap='flat', width=10)

qp.plot([.3, .5, .7], np.array([.2, .8, .2])+2)


qp.plot([.4, .6], [.2, .2])

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2019