Alphabetical list Categories
textdist Specifies distance to text labels for XAXIS and YAXIS
Call signature:

textdist(lbl=None, ttl=None)

Help text:

qtextdist(lbldist, ttldist) specifies distance between ticks and tick labels and between tick labels and axis title, in points.
qtextdist(dist) uses dist for both distances.
Positive numbers are to the left and down; negative numbers are to the right and up.
(lbl, ttl) = textdist returns current settings.


import pyqplot as qp

import numpy as np

qp.figure('textdist', 3, 3)


qp.xaxis('Title', np.arange(6), y=0)


qp.xaxis('Title', np.arange(6), y=1)

qp.textdist(-3, 3)

qp.xaxis('Title', np.arange(6), y=2)

qp.textdist(3, -10)

qp.xaxis('Title', np.arange(6), y=3)


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2019