Alphabetical list Categories
xcaxis Plot x-axis with labels between ticks
Call signature:

xcaxis(title='', xx=None, labels=None, y=None, lim=None, flip=False)

Help text:

xcaxis plots an x-axis with labels at specfied positions but ticks between the labels rather than at the label positions. First and last tick positions are extrapolated.
All arguments are optional.
  title specifies title for axis.
  xx specifies locations for the labels.
  labels specifies the label texts.
  y specifies intersect with y-axis. If None, defaults to a reasonable
    position below the data. (Default is 0.)
  lim overrides the default positions of the first and last ticks.
  flip, if True, inverts the sign of the settings from ticklen, textdist,
    and axshift.
xcaxis obeys settings from ticklen, textdist, and axshift.


import pyqplot as qp

import numpy as np

qp.figure('xcaxis_eg', 3, 3)

xx = np.array([1,2,3])

yy = np.array([1,3,2])



qp.bars(xx, yy, 0.8)

qp.pen('k', .5)

qp.textdist(2, 7)

qp.xcaxis('/Categories/', xx, ['One', 'Two', 'Three'])

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2019